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Removal of Bicycles

Policy Number: FM-4200-03

Policy Title:  Removal of Bicycles

Vice Chancellor/Associate Chancellor: Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services (VCAS)

Unit Responsible for Policy: Facilities Management

Effective Date: July 2, 2014

Contacts: Executive Director, Facilities Management

Policy Statement: In the interest of providing the campus community with a safe, healthy and accessible environment, UIC encourages the use of bicycle transportation. The campus provides racks for securing bicycles in designated locations that neither impede disability or paths of travel nor violate fire and safety standards in case of emergencies.

UIC reserves the right to remove bicycles considered to be abandoned or those found in locations that impede disability access, paths of travel and potentially violate fire and safety standards. The campus assigns this responsibility to the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services.

Conditions relating to the status of a parked bicycle warranting removal are divided into three categories:

1)  Emergency Safety Hazard is subject to immediate removal when:

  • Determined by the UIC Police Department or Environmental Health and Safety office, or
  • Attached within a wheelchair ramp/impeding ADA access, or
  • Blocking a pathway/building entrance, or
  • Impeding emergency services

2) Potential Safety Hazard is subject to removal by close of business the day after reported when:

  • Attached to a stairwell handrail, or
  • Attached inside a building, or
  • Locked in an unauthorized location (something other than a bicycle rack), or
  • Impeding care and maintenance of grounds

3) Abandoned bicycle is subject to removal after two weeks when:

  • Significantly rusted, or
  • Inoperable, or
  • Left in one place for more than 30 Days

Reason for Policy:  Bicycles that are locked so that ingress/egress is impeded, locked to handrails, or in the way of disability accessible entrances pose hazards, especially to those with disabilities. Bicycles left on racks for extended periods of time become trip hazards, are unsightly, and use spaces needed by campus cyclists.

Minority Impact Statement: This policy does not have any disproportionate or unique impact on UIC’s minority students, staff, or faculty.

Who Should Read the Policy: All students, faculty, staff, patients, visitors, and administrators at UIC.

Procedures: Procedures for this policy can be found on the UIC Facilities Management website.

Related Laws, Regulations, Statutes, and Policies:

  • 765 ILCS 1030. Law Enforcement Disposition of Property Act (LEDPA)

Document History

Approved by: Chancellor
Approval date: July 2, 2014
Approved as: New Policy