Tuition Waiver for Graduate Assistantships

Policy Number: HR-4105-004

Policy Title: Tuition Waiver for Graduate Assistantships

Vice Chancellor/Associate Chancellor: Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

Unit Responsible for Policy: UIC Human Resources

Effective Date: March 9, 2017

Contact: Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources

Policy Statement: A graduate student is eligible for a tuition waiver (excluding assessed differentials) if employed at UIC between 25% and 67% time for at least 91 consecutive calendar days in each semester or 41 consecutive calendar days during the summer session. The 91 or 41 calendar days are based on a period from one week before the beginning of instruction through the last day of final examinations. Graduate students holding appointments for assistantships of less than 25% or more than 67% time during the fall, spring, or summer semester are not eligible for a tuition waiver.

Depending upon federal law applicable at the time of the waiver, the value of tuition waived may be considered taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service. If this is the case, the University will withhold taxes for the value of the tuition that is waived.

Reasons for Policy: To communicate the availability of tuition waiver benefits for UIC graduate assistantships and to define the criteria for determining eligibility of UIC graduate assistants for participation in the tuition waiver benefit.

Minority Impact Statement:  The policy does not have a disproportionate or unique effect on UIC’s minority students, faculty, or staff.

Who Should Read the Policy:  UIC students enrolled in a degree-seeking graduate level program who hold an assistantship appointment between 25% and 67% time for at least 91 consecutive calendar days in each semester or 41 consecutive calendar days during the summer session.


  • University: Refers to UIC.

Procedures: View UIC HR procedures.

Forms: View UIC HR forms.

Related Laws, Regulations, Statutes, and Policies:

  • University of Illinois General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure
  • Graduate College Handbook
  • Internal Review Code

Document History:  Updated version of UIC HR #506-04, effective 4/1/1997; revised 09/01/2013.

Approved by: Committee on Policy
Approval date: March 9, 2017
Approved as: Update Policy (supersedes Policy UIC HR #506-04)