Policy on Policies
Policy Number: CH-1000-001.R01
Policy Title: Policy on Policies
Vice Chancellor/Associate Chancellor: Office of the Chancellor
Unit Responsible for Policy: Office of the Provost
Effective Date: July 1, 2016
Contact: Associate Provost and Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost
Policy Statement: UIC has established a standardized process for the development, approval, and oversight of official University-level policies. It is the responsibility of the Office of the Provost to facilitate the official policy development process. All official University policies must follow a formal review process and be approved by the chancellor. The only exception to this requirement is educational policy, as described in the University of Illinois Statues, which follows a different process (II.1.b-e). University policies and procedures should conform to applicable federal and state laws and regulations and to the University of Illinois system Statutes, General Rules, policies, and procedures.
Beginning with the effective date, all University units must follow the policy development process to establish new official University policies, or to revise or repeal existing ones.
Reason for Policy: The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all policies with a broad University application have a consistent format, and are formally reviewed and approved, widely communicated, centrally maintained, and readily available for review. This uniform statement is designed to
- ensure the orderly, effective, and efficient operation of UIC;
- ensure compliance with policy objectives;
- establish the accountability of operating units and individuals affected by the respective policy; and
- ensure that UIC policy is developed, distributed, updated and communicated to all operating units in a timely
Minority Impact Statement: This policy does not have any disproportionate or unique impact on UIC's minority students, staff, or faculty.
Who Should Read the Policy: This policy applies to all UIC entities including the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System.
- University: Refers to UIC.
Procedures: See definitions and procedures.
Related Laws, Regulations, Statutes, and Related Policies: N/A
Document History: Committee on Policy approved revision: June 8, 2017