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International Travel Safety Policy

Policy Number: GE-2400-001

Policy Title: International Travel Safety Policy

Vice Chancellor/Associate Chancellor: Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Unit Responsible for Policy: Office of the Vice Provost for Global Engagement

Effective Date: September 13, 2022

Contacts: Vice Provost for Global Engagement

Policy Statement: This International Travel Safety Policy governs all University Sponsored International Travel by UIC faculty members, staff, and students. Its purpose is to ensure faculty members, staff and students have essential information to make informed and safe decisions about International Travel and to reduce institutional risk. In addition, this policy requires that the relevant departments or units approve all University Sponsored International Travel before the faculty member, staff or student embarks on International Travel. Further, student travel to any countries with an elevated Travel Advisory from the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is subject to additional review by the Office of Global Engagement. Students are also prohibited from traveling to countries for which an Evacuation order has been issued by the U.S. Department of State.

All UIC faculty members, staff and students who intend to travel abroad for University Sponsored International Travel are required to enroll in UIC’s International Travel Safety Roster and must obtain the University of Illinois System’s comprehensive insurance. However, enrolling in the International Travel Safety Roster and obtaining the insurance policy does not imply approval of travel which must be obtained from the traveler’s supervisor.

This policy applies only to University Sponsored international travel by faculty members, staff, or students.

Reason for Policy:  UIC serves its students and the University community through its global engagement (research, teaching, and service) and, consequently, International Travel is vital to the University’s mission. UIC seeks to support these activities by providing travel information and access to comprehensive insurance for faculty members, staff and students who travel internationally as part of academic activities (independent study, research, internships, presentations, practica, residencies, etc.) or as part of non-academic but UIC-approved or supported activities (service learning, co-curricular programs, student organizations, volunteering, etc.). The university also seeks to ensure that faculty members, staff, and students are made aware of any risks associated with their International Travel while restricting UIC student International Travel that involves high levels of risk.  UIC is required to comply with all federal regulations regarding international travel.

Minority Impact Statement:  This policy does not have any disproportionate or unique impact on UIC’s minority students, staff, or faculty.

Who Should Read the Policy:  All UIC faculty members, staff, and students at the Chicago campus and its regional or other sites (including but not limited to all UI Health sites).


  • Evacuations are ordered by the U.S. Department of State when conditions in a city, region or country are considered serious enough to warrant immediate departure of U.S. government employees or citizens.
  • International Travel: Any travel outside the fifty states of the United States of America and its territories, such as Puerto Rico and Guam.
  • System: Refers to University of Illinois System.
  • Travel Warnings include the U.S. Department of State elevated Travel Advisories (“Level 3: Reconsider Travel,” and “Level 4: Do Not Travel”).  In addition, a Travel Warning (Level 3)“Avoid Nonessential Travel,” issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an elevated travel advisory.
  • University: Refers to UIC.
  • University Sponsored Travel: Students participate in University-sponsored travel whenever they are in an UIC-authorized program related to their academic program, including fieldwork or research, or are involved in a non-academic, but UIC-approved and supported student organization or activity. In addition, whenever travel is funded in full or part by UIC or UIC-managed funds, it is UIC-authorized travel. UIC-authorized programs include but are not limited to study abroad, exchange, internship, service learning, practica, residencies, independent study or research, registered student groups, alternative spring break and other similar programs. A UIC faculty or staff member is participating in University sponsored travel whenever they are traveling on official UIC business or are funded or reimbursed by or through UIC for that travel.

Procedures: UIC International Travel Roster.

Related Laws, Regulations, Statutes, and Policies:

Relevant regulations include, but are not limited to

Document History:  This is a revision of the 2017 policy and replaces it.

Approved by: Committee on Policy, CVC
Approval date: August 23, 2017
Revised policy approved: September 13, 2022