Missing Student Policy
Policy Number: DOS-8100-001.R01
Policy Title: Missing Student Policy
Vice Chancellor/Associate Chancellor: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Unit Responsible for Policy: Office of the Dean of Students
Effective Date: October 10, 2016
Contact: Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Policy Statement: It is the intent of this policy to direct individuals who believe a UIC student is missing to immediately inform University Police and specific staff in the University administration so that UIC staff can coordinate efforts to locate the student. The appropriate University Police departments to notify are as follows: Chicago-UICPD, Urbana-UIUCPD, and Springfield-UISPD. In the absence of University Police, the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the area should be notified (Peoria: Peoria Police Department; Quad Cities: Moline or Rock Island Police Departments; and Rockford: Rockford Police Department). In addition, specific University staff (e.g. Office of the Dean of Students, Campus Housing) should be notified.
A student is defined as missing once the UIC police, or local law enforcement agency, are notified and initiate a formal missing person investigation. The University will actively investigate any report submitted that describes a Missing Student incident. The University staff's role in the Missing Student investigation may vary depending upon a student's academic and residential status (e.g., living on or off campus, study abroad, full-time or part-time, etc.).
Efforts to locate the student will be coordinated through a collaboration of the UIC Police, Campus Housing, Office of the Dean of Students, local authorities, and friends and family members of the Missing Student. When information is received by the University regarding a Missing Student, there will an initial response by staff to obtain information about the Missing Student and share this information with the UIC Police, or local law enforcement agency, for investigative purposes. All investigative procedures will be governed by University policies and procedures and federal, state, and local laws. Formal police investigations and community notifications will typically take place after the initial staff response related to a Missing Student report.
Registering a Missing Student Contact. Students will be notified bi-annually that they have an option to identify a contact person or persons whom the UIC administration shall notify, within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. Students can register their Missing Student contact(s) via the UIC Student Portal by logging into my.UIC.edu and under the Academics tab select Records and then select the “Primary Contact if Missing” in the drop down menu under Emergency Contacts. This option is provided to students even if a student has already registered an individual as an emergency contact. Students have the option to identify the same individual as both their emergency contact and Missing Student contact. Students will have the opportunity to update the Missing Student contact information via Banner Student Self-Service throughout the year.
Missing student contact information is registered confidentially. This information is private and only accessible to UIC employees who are authorized campus officials. This information may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.
If a Missing Student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated, the UIC administration shall notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, in addition to notifying any additional contact person designated by the student.
Reason for Policy: The Office of the Dean of Students is updating the existing 2010 policy in response to federal requirements. The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires institutions that participate in a Title IV federal student financial aid program and maintain on-campus housing facilities to establish an effective Missing Student notification policy and procedures. Although HEOA only requires the University to establish this policy for students who live in on-campus housing, certain protocols within this policy may be applied to certain situations involving non-residential students. For example, University staff and UIC Police may assist local authorities in their investigation of a missing, off-campus UIC student.
Minority Impact Statement: The policy has no disproportionate or unique effect on UIC’s minority students, faculty, or staff.
Who Should Read the Policy: All students, faculty, staff, and administrators at UIC.
- Missing Student: A student is defined as missing once the UIC police, or local law enforcement agency, are notified and initiate a formal missing person investigation.
- Student: Any person enrolled in any class or program at UIC.
- University: Refers to UIC.
Procedures: View Missing Student procedures.
Related Laws, Regulations, Statutes, and Policies: Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA)
Document History:
- DOS-8100-001 approved by the Committee on Policy on October 10, 2016. This policy updated the 2010 version of the Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures.
- DOS-8100-001.R01: Committee on Policy approved revision on August 2, 2017.
Approved by: Committee on Policy
Approval date: October 10, 2016
Approved as: Updated Policy